About the Author

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Want to know more?

I was born and mostly raised in San Diego, California where I live nowTMDPromoPic with my family and pets. I began writing short stories and poetry in high school after an obsession with Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’. After over fifteen years of crazy dreams and an overactive imagination, I began my first book ‘I Hope You Find Me’ in December of 2011. I didn’t realize then that my first Fantasy series had been born.

When I’m not writing or researching or editing or formatting, I’m home-schooling my amazing daughter and mildly autistic son, reading whatever I can get my hands on, or enjoying the Southern California sun. As a strict Vegetarian, I hold a special place in my heart for animal rights and dash into the backyard weekly to rescue lizards and mice from our three rescue dogs. They all share the house with River, the rescue cat, who is part dog and part old man. I hate roaches due to an unfortunate childhood incident, like, LOATHE COMPLETELY, though I often fantasize about seeing one in Steampunk gear and I have an unhealthy obsession with a certain bow & arrow wielding zombie hunter. Don’t judge me – every girl has dreams.

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22 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Megan McCooey says:

    Hi Trish, my name is Megan and I, myself, am also an Indie author and I’m also a book review blogger for other indie authors. I stumbled upon your Station series on Smashwords and read book 1 this morning over coffee. I plan to write a review of it later today. I just wanted to extend my congratulations on your work, introduce myself, and let you know I enjoyed Dying to Forget. I plan to read the rest of the books in the station series as well and will be happy to write reviews of those. I love finding new indie authors I emjoy and can continuously feature on my blog.

    You can check out my book review blog at http://www.turnthepagebookblog.blogspot.com as well as my author page at http://www.theharvestseries.blogspot.com

    Liked by 1 person

    • trishmarie says:

      Hi Megan, so nice to meet you! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed Dying to Forget! The third one releases June 28th – super excited to get it out there! 😀 I’ll give your blog a look-see and definitely stay in touch!! 😀


  2. Margarita Garcia says:

    Dear Trish Marie,
    my name is Margarita Garcia and I am 17 years old. I am a senior attending Helix Charter High School and I live with my father and my 3 year old sister. When I started to attend school, I had struggles tryiing to understand the subject and topics being taught in class so my father introduced me to books. I came to love books so much I couldn’t stop reading until I found out how the book ended. This year, as a senior, to be able to graduate I must complete a project based on something I never done before. The Senior Project requires a minimum of 20 hours to complete and also a consultant who is an expert of what project is being conducted. Consultants are people who help the students during their project by either meeting up with them or contacting through email and phone and helping them on how things are to be done. I decided to write a children’s book since I love to read but I have no consultant to help me. I asked for some assistance from Mrs. Potters, my school librarian, and she suggested that I ask you, Mrs. Dawson, to become my consultant. I know I am asking a lot from you since you are busy homeschooling you children (I know this because i read your books) but i really would love the opportunity to work with you. So again I ask your permission to please become my consultant and help me try to create a book I can actually call my own.
    Sincerely, Margarita Garcia

    Liked by 1 person

    • trishmarie says:

      Margarita, you are so inspiring! I remember my Senior Project at Helix very well, and I think writing your own book would be such an awesome experience for you! I would love to help you and can even point you toward more people who work in the industry if you want to consider writing, editing, formatting and publishing your children’s book. As you probably already know, I’m an Indie author, which means I publish my books myself – but not totally alone – we all need help along the way. 😉 I would love to become your consultant! Shoot me an email over at authortmdawson@gmail.com and we can chat more!

      I wish you the best of luck for your Senior year! You are almost done – almost ready to fly the nest, so work hard this year and you’ll be able to move on to your next journey in life. 😉

      p.s. When I was your age, my dream was to write a children’s book. I let life get in the way and put it aside and didn’t start writing until two years ago, believe it or not. If you want to do this, you are at a perfect time in your life to learn about it. 🙂

      p.p.s. Please tell Mrs. Potter I said hello, and thanks for thinking of me!

      HUGS, Trish


  3. Arielle Joy says:

    Hi Trish,

    I just stumbled upon your blog and absolutely love it!
    I’m also a huge fan of your homepage layout. Would you mind sharing your secret with me on how you got that format? Do you use the free theme as is, or do you have a premium account with different formatting access? I checked out the wordpress theme you’ve used but would love to figure out how to do a similar format for my own blog. Thank you!


    Liked by 1 person

    • trishmarie says:

      I can’t remember the theme off the top of my head, but it’s at the bottom of my home page, if that helps! 😀 I upgraded, and this may or may not be a paid theme. I honestly don’t remember now! Not very helpful, huh? lol


      • Arielle Joy says:

        Haha no worries! I have a feeling the layout and formatting goes along with the upgrade. I can’t bring myself to justify the extra money since I don’t have a novel to promote. Just a fun book/lifestyle blog 🙂 Thank you for your quick response!

        Liked by 1 person

    • trishmarie says:

      Hi Don, sorry about that! At this time, only my two freebies are available on Kobo due to how the books are distributed. I’ll be sure to post on here though, when I can get all of the titles on each platform. 😀 Thank you for reading – hope you have a great week!


    • trishmarie says:

      OMGeeee!! I have searched online for you so many times, Dawn!! It’s so great to hear from you!! We must catch up soon! My family and I are recovering from a nasty flu…but I’m going to have to pull out my old photos because I believe that I have one of the two of us in matching denim dresses that are fabulously embarrassing. 😀


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