Princess Madeline has a Sequel!

The lovely Kirstin Pulioff has released the anticipated sequel to

The Escape of Princess Madeline!

The Kingdom of Soron bustled with activity as preparations for the Fall Festival began.  Lively merchants, hardworking farmers, and musicians eagerly awaited this event of harvest and joy.  This year’s festival was even more important, as they celebrated Princess Madeline’s betrothal to her knight champion, Daniel.

Celebration quickly turns to disaster as Prince Paulsen returns with curious demands, either Princess Madeline will be his, or no ones.  Rejection turns to obsession and battle is declared.

In a tense struggle to decide her future, Princess Madeline must choose where to put her trust… in the king’s tried and true plan, the wizard’s cryptic messages and maps, or her own sense of bravery. Follow Princess Madeline on this adventure as she battles evil in an attempt to create a future of love and magic.

Available at Amazon, Barns & Noble & Smashwords

Amazon Author Page:



$2.99 digital  $5.99 paperback

Color photo - Pulioff

Author Bio:

Kirstin Pulioff is a storyteller at heart.   Born and raised in Southern California, she moved to the Pacific Northwest to follow her dreams and graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Forest Management.  Happily married and a mother of two, she lives in Oregon, and enjoys being a stay at home mom.  When she’s not writing, she is busy with her kids and church.

Facebook:  KirstinPulioffAuthor
Twitter: @KirstinPulioff

FREE Promo!

The Escape of Princess Madeline   Will be FREE online from May 29-31 so be sure to grab up your copy if you don’t have it yet!

Little Nani Revisited – Blog Tour!



Thank you for visiting this wonderful blog today so you can know a bit more about Little Nani, her stories, her world, and her author. OK, her author is not as interesting as Little Nani, but what can we do? They go hand in hand, so please bear with her.

Why are we here today? Because Little Nani is suffering a series of changes. “The Funny Adventures of Little Nani” was published for the first time last September 2012, both in print and in ebook form, on Amazon and Createspace. However, along the months, I started feeling less enthusiastic about my book, thinking that the cover was dull and boring, and also thinking that the stories could be improved, maybe going through some extra editing and proofing. So that’s what I did, and now I am much happier about the result and I trust that I will start getting many more sales. Why? Because I will make the books available not only on Amazon and Createspace, but also on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and Feed-A-Read.

There will be also many different options to buy the books. Do you want to buy the whole set of stories? You can do it. Do you want to buy just some stories, the ones you think you would like? You can do it too, since I will publish the stories individually on Smashwords. So you see, different options to match different customers, different readers.

Once all this is settled and the books are republished on all those retailers, I will start to do the same process with the second book in the Little Nani series, which will be available next Fall.

Follow the whole blog tour since I will be announcing all the news in the different blogs!



Little Nani is a little girl who likes helping people. However, when she helps people the results can be a bit unexpected. Why is that? Little Nani is a witch! Or at least she wants to be a witch. With her magic wand, she will try to cast different spells to help her friends, but she won’t be successful all the time.

Follow Little Nani in her funny adventures and meet her extraordinary friends. Funny ostriches, horses that love reading, super-fast turtles, grumpy zombies… Little Nani has lots of friends! You can also draw your own characters!

Little Nani is willing to become a good witch. Will she manage to do it? Who knows? Read the stories and discover what happens next!



Cinta Garcia de la Rosa is a Spanish writer who has loved the written word since he discovered she was able to read books at age 5. Since then, she has become a bookworm and reads around 100 books every year. She also writes, every day, compulsively, even in the middle of the night. You cannot control when inspiration hits you, can you? She writes in English because she is convinced that in a previous life she was British, so writing in English feels more natural to her than writing in her native language. Yes, she is crazy like that. Cinta Garcia is the author of “The Funny Adventures of Little Nani”, a collection of short stories for children, and “A Foreigner in London”, a short story published on Smashwords. She is a member of Independent Authors International (iAi).

Why did you choose to write children’s books?


Well, the truth is that I didn’t choose to write children’s books. I am an author of contemporary short stories and horror stories, although I write my horror stories under a pen name. Writing for children was something that I never expected to do. When I wrote a silly story for my blog and people started liking it and asking for more, I started giving more serious thoughts to Little Nani and her world and I thought, Why not?

So I didn’t choose to write children’s stories. The stories chose me by taking over my mind. Little Nani and her friends starting talking to me on a daily basis, so I simply couldn’t ignore them any longer. And I can’t complain, since it is a lot of fun to write their stories. In a way, it is rewarding to write stories for kids, since you know that they can read a story written by you, draw in the book, and smile.

I write children’s books, yes, but I also write other kinds of books. I like to think of myself as a versatile writer, and this stage of writing kids’ stories is fun for now, so I guess I will continue “choosing” writing for children.

Thanks, Trish, for hosting me on your blog!



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Don’t forget to leave a comment, so you can enter the giveaway for the opportunity to win a signed copy of “The Funny Adventures of Little Nani”. If you leave comments in several blogs during the tour, you will get an entry for each comment. So don’t hesitate to comment!